
Erasmus+ Training Course “Write It Up!”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Write It Up!”

Erasmus+ Training Course "Write It Up!" 12/01/2024 - 21/01/2024 Kolín, Czech Republic In January 2024, Kolin, Czechia, became the hub for a special gathering of young minds from six European countries. They came together for an Erasmus+ project, focusing mainly on how...

Erasmus+ Training Course “YOUTH FORWARD”

Erasmus+ Training Course “YOUTH FORWARD”

Erasmus+ Training Course "YOUTH FORWARD" ➡️ When? 06/04/2024 - 14/04/2024 ➡️ Where? Kolín, Czechia ➡️ Topic of the project: youth participation OBJECTIVES: To create a common understanding of the concept of youth participation, analyzing its principles, levels, and...

Erasmus+ Training Course "Si Vis Pacem Para Pacem" When? 23/02/2024 - 02/03/2024 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: non-violent communication and community building Project objectives: To increase critical thinking skill among participants of TC; To improve...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Write It Up!”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Write It Up!”

When? 12/01/2024 - 21/01/2024 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: Erasmus+ projects development Project objectives: To transfer deep knowledge on Erasmus+ opportunities with focus on KA1 Youth. To develop participant’s competences necessary for identifying a...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Maximum Impact”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Maximum Impact”

When? 02/12/2023 - 10/12/2023 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: measuring social impact Project objectives: To investigate and evaluate potential effectiveness of projects to achieve the maximum desired impact; To test hypothesis, ideas and assumptions; To...

Erasmus+ Training Course “GEnder MainStreaming”

Erasmus+ Training Course “GEnder MainStreaming”

When? 14/10/2023 - 22/10/2023 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: gender mainstreaming Project objectives: To deepen participants’ overall knowledge of gender equality and gender based social inclusion; To enhance participants’ practical skills of gender...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Think It Through”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Think It Through”

When? 07/09/2023 - 15/09/2023 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: critical thinking and media literacy Project objectives: To enhance critical thinking and media literacy. To teach how to assess the quality of information and recognise biases and manipulative...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Go Graphic!”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Go Graphic!”

When? 14/08/2023 - 22/08/2023 Where? Horka nad Moravou, Czechia Topic of the project: graphic facilitation Project objectives: To understand the basic principles of graphic facilitation and be able to use them in practice; To enhance visual thinking and creativity,...

Erasmus+ Training Course “MediAware”

Erasmus+ Training Course “MediAware”

When? 04/08/2023 - 12/08/2023 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: media literacy Project objectives: To understand and recognise factors (such as stereotypes, biases, fallacies, algorithms…) influencing media messages;  To recognise several manipulative...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Non traditional games for everyone”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Non traditional games for everyone”

Erasmus+ Training Course "Non traditional games for everyone" When? 12/07/2023 - 21/07/2023 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: sport activities for youth Project objectives: We want to ptovide youth with: introduction to non-traditional sport games that can...

Erasmus+ Training Course “CreateAbility”

Erasmus+ Training Course “CreateAbility”

When? 01/07/2023 - 09/07/2023 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: change management Project objectives: To introduce the main principles of Change Management in relation to youth work during and post-COVID 19. To explore how creativity and flexibility in times...

Erasmus+ Training Course “ToTall”

Erasmus+ Training Course “ToTall”

When? 21/01/2023 - 29/01/2023 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: youth participation and facilitation skills Project objectives: To increase understanding of youth participation; To equip youth workers with knowledge and skills of the most innovative NFE...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Check Your Source”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Check Your Source”

When? 07/01/2023 - 15/01/2023 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: critical thinking and media literacy Project objectives: To develop youth workers’ competences on media literacy through interactive exercises; To enhance the ability of participants to think...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Educate Like A Boss”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Educate Like A Boss”

When? 24/10/2022 - 02/11/2022 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: non formal education and facilitation Project objectives: To enhance NFE skills of youth workers; To give ability to asses the needs of the target group and deliver the desired impact; To...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Healthy Youth”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Healthy Youth”

When? 25/07/2022 - 03/08/2022 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: sport activities for youth Project objectives: We provided participants with: basic rules of healthy exercising, nutrition skills, breathing, sleeping, and ways to strengthen the immune system...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Rational Room”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Rational Room”

When? 23/04/2022 - 02/05/2022 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: media literacy and critical thinking through escape rooms Project objectives: To spread ideas of media literacy and critical thinking among participants and partner organisations; To provide...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Be Active. Participate”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Be Active. Participate”

When? 01/04/2022 - 10/04/2022 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: youth participation Project objectives: To explore basic principles of politics, its role in today's society and relation with youth work; To link active participation with various human rights...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Role Play”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Role Play”

When? 05/03/2022 - 13/03/2022 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: human rights through role play Project objectives: To spread the idea of human rights protection and tolerance To enhance participants skills of non-formal education and development of...

Erasmus+ Training Course “M.O.D.A.L.”

Erasmus+ Training Course “M.O.D.A.L.”

When? 08/01/2022 - 16/01/2022 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: Erasmus+ Programme and its opportunities Project objectives: To help participants understand the Erasmus+ Programme in the framework of European youth policies and strategies; To explore the...

Erasmus+ Training Course “Innovate. Educate. Repeat.”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Innovate. Educate. Repeat.”

When? 06/11/2021 - 14/11/2021 Where? Kolin, Czechia Topic of the project: innovative educational methods Project objectives: capacitate youth workers in adjustment of their workshops according to groups abilities; enhance knowledge on innovative tools in youth work,...

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