Moving Emotions: An Erasmus+ Journey into Emotional Intelligence
02/08/2024 – 11/08/2024 Kolín, Czech Republic

In early August 2024, the picturesque town of Kolín in the Czech Republic became the gathering place for a transformative Erasmus+ training course titled “Moving Emotions.” This unique initiative brought together youth workers from eight different countries—Poland, Greece, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain, Croatia, and Estonia—to explore the critical theme of emotional intelligence. As modern life presents increasing emotional challenges, this course provided timely and essential skills to those on the frontlines of youth development.

The Need for Emotional Intelligence

In an era marked by rapid technological change, social upheaval, and the aftereffects of a global pandemic, young people face unprecedented emotional stress. The pressures of social media, the rise of hate speech, and the spectre of violent extremism contribute to an environment where many struggle to cope with their emotions. Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding mental health issues often prevents young people from seeking the help they need. It is within this context that the “Moving Emotions” training course sought to make a difference.

Emotional intelligence—the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others—is more crucial than ever. By fostering emotional intelligence, youth workers can better support the young people they work with, helping them to navigate the complexities of modern life and build resilience against mental health challenges.

A Holistic Approach to Learning

The title “Moving Emotions” encapsulates the dual nature of the training course. The term e-motion suggests that emotions are inherently linked to movement, both mentally and physically. This course was designed to explore this connection deeply, providing participants with tools to engage with their emotions through various modalities, including authentic communication, movement, and nature.

Over the course of the training, participants delved into several core areas:

  1. Recognizing and Developing Inner Resources: Youth workers were guided through exercises aimed at increasing self-awareness and emotional literacy. By understanding their own emotional landscapes, they can better assist the young people in their care.
  2. Authentic Communication: Effective communication is essential for building trust and connection. The course emphasized the importance of authenticity in communication, helping participants to express their feelings honestly and to listen empathetically to others.
  3. Movement as Expression: Physical movement was used as a tool for emotional expression and release. Through activities such as dance, yoga, and other body-centered practices, participants learned how to use movement to process emotions and foster a sense of well-being.
  4. Connecting with Nature: Nature has long been recognized as a source of healing and emotional balance. Participants were encouraged to reconnect with the natural world, using it as a space for reflection, grounding, and emotional rejuvenation.

A Diverse and Collaborative Experience

One of the highlights of the “Moving Emotions” training course was the diversity of its participants. Coming from eight different European countries, the youth workers brought a rich tapestry of cultural perspectives to the table. This diversity enriched the learning experience, as participants shared their unique approaches to emotional intelligence and youth work.

The course also fostered a strong sense of community among the participants. Through collaborative activities, group discussions, and shared experiences, they built lasting connections that will continue to support them in their work long after the course has ended.

Building a Brighter Future

As the participants returned to their home countries, they carried with them not only new skills and insights but also a renewed sense of purpose. The knowledge and experiences gained during “Moving Emotions” will empower them to create transformational and sustainable learning environments for the young people they serve. By focusing on emotional intelligence, they are helping to build a generation that is more connected, compassionate, and resilient.

The “Moving Emotions” training course was a vital step towards addressing the emotional challenges of our time. Through the Erasmus+ program, youth workers across Europe are now better equipped to support the mental and emotional well-being of the next generation, ensuring that they can face the future with confidence and strength.

🌎 Erasmus+ Training Course “Moving Emotions” is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.

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